It has now ben six years since Swift Microwave technology was launched. During this time ‘around 100,000 Swift treatments have been undertaken in the UK’ (Foot.Expert Ivan Bristow). These patients have benefited significantly. They have avoided:

  • Cryotherapy burns
  • Painful freezing processes
  • Freezer burn blisters and uncomfortable dressings.

Instead, after each Swift Microwave Technology treatment, patients have been able to carry on as normal whilst the treatment takes effect. But how successful is this treatment and how do we know?

How Successful is the Treatment?

Six years on research has been conducted to find out just how successful Swift Microwave Technology really is. Out of 6998 adult patients included within the research, the success rate was found to be:

  • Swift Microwave Technology: around 80% (Foot.Expert Ivan Bristow)
  • Salicylic acid, 31%
  • Chryotherapy, 34% (Data from the BMJ)

When reviewing this data, it is clear just how effective Swift Microwave Technology really is when treating verrucae.

You can find out more about Swift Microwave Technology by clicking the link here which will take you to the relevant page on our website.

To find out how we can treat your verruca using Swift Microwave Technology call either call us on 01722 340057 or book online by visiting our website on