On Thursday 24 March the whole team at Total Foot Health attended an away day held at SP2 Community Centre in Salisbury. The theme of the day was to explore our values and how they helped us to provide the care to our patients and make every day decisions in the business.

The picture shows one of our group working outputs. The aim was to find the ‘core’ values that we not only work by, but live by.  These values, when distilled down, gave us two words: Respect and Empathy. The team was very supportive of this as they encompassed dignity, care, compassion, kindness, friendly, polite and helpful.

We have seen these values in action whereby our team are prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ to ensure our patients are helped and looked after.

Our given values were seen to be: Dignity, Continued Professional Development, Communication, Advice, Empowerment, Professional, Solving, Openness, Transparency, Integrity (fair-honest-ethical)

It was agreed these values were the minimum any professional organisation should have in dealing with their patients or customers.

Our core values were seen to be: Respect (dignity) and Empathy (help-care-compassion-kindness-friendly-polite)